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“Haiku beyond Earth「天上俳句会」Haiku by Alexander Dolin as a New Year Gift" 

Дорогие друзья. Разрешите нам в качестве новогоднего подарка опубликовать для вас статью . (А.А.Долин, Усов О. Усов С.)

Hidenori Hiruta posted the article “Haiku beyond Earth「天上俳句会」Haiku by Alexander Dolin as a New Year Gift" this morning on the website below.
A New Year Gift
Haiku by Alexander Dolin (Russia)
Хиденори Хирута опубликовал статью «Хайку за пределами Земли「天上俳句会」Хайку Александра Долина как новогодний подарок» сегодня утром на сайте ниже.
Подарок на Новый год
Хайку Александра Долина (Россия)
On a winter day
even hawk would not move
oh, how cold it is!
For their homeland
they should be longing now –
swallows in winter…
По родным краям
тоскуют они сейчас –
ласточки зимой…
Yellow circles
inside these white stars –
daffodils in the garden...
В белых звездочках
видны желтые кружки –
нарциссы в саду…
Covered with snow
drooping branches with fruits –
wild persimmon…
Покрыты снегом,
никнут ветки, все в плодах –
дикая хурма…
A mandarin duck
is not afraid of the cold –
waiting for its pair…
Первых холодов
не страшится мандаринка –
все ждет милого…
Paintings by Oleg Usov (Russia)
Calligraphy by Stanislav Usov (Russia)
About Haiku Poet
Alexander Dolin, PhD (Profile & photo)
Alexander Dolin (b.1949) after having graduated from the Oriental Languages College of Moscow State University, started his academic career at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and received there his PhD degree in Japanese Literature. After moving to Japan in 1992, he worked for twelve years as a Professor of Comparative Literature at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. In 2004, he was invited to the innovative Akita International University as Professor of Japanese Literature and comparative Culture.
Dr. Dolin is the author of several comprehensive monographs on Japanese literature and culture, including History of New Japanese Poetry in 4 volumes. His works on Japanese and Russian literature, culture, religion and society, as well as on world civilizations were variously issued in Russian, German, English and Japanese. He has also published over 50 books of translations containing numerous masterpieces from classical and modern Japanese literature, especially a variety of anthologies and individual collections introducing Japanese poetry from ancient times to present day crowned by the massive series “Great Library of Japanese Poetry” in 8 volumes. (Nauka, 2022). In 1995, he was awarded the Special Contribution to Culture Prize by the All-Japan Translators’ Association for his academic and poetic translation into Russian of the Kokinwakashu immortal anthology. He completed his career in Japan in 2017 as Professor Emeritus of Akita International University.
Since 2017 – professor of Japanese Literature and Comparative Culture at Higher School of Economics National Research University, School of Asian Studies (Moscow) and senior research fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences).
In Russia, Dr. Dolin is also well known as the author of several academic books on Oriental Martial Arts.
Having published a number of books of poetry, prose and non-fiction, Alexander Dolin is universally recognized in Russia as a poet and writer in his own right. He enjoys also composing poetry in English and in Japanese. Award of the Russian Union of Writers’ medal of honor for the promotion of international contacts.